If you have clicked on this link in the hopes of reading about a program full of optimism, mindfulness and inspiration then obviously haven’t trained with us. No three-word slogan (with the exception of ‘live, laugh, love’ – how can your heart not skip a beat out of pure positivity when you say that out loud?) is going to make you a better person this year.
With the turn of the page onto 1 January comes new gimmicks, promises and ultimately, let downs and failures. Like seagulls on a chip, the Instagram experts, pyramid scheme entrepreneurs and franchise gyms swoop from their predatory overhead patrol and push new deals, wondrous cleanses and detoxes or super supplements. Personally, as a gym owner I hate this time of year, as too many in this industry cash in on the vulnerable people who finally decide that the new slate that comes with the turn of the calendar page provides an opportunity to attend a facility and a genuine attempt at self-improvement.
I have written about this before, and I loathe repeating myself but the only reality worth facing is that we have to be patient and earn the right to feel happy about ourselves. We need to put in the hard work, the sacrifice, the commitment, and consistency to create a positive result; namely, we need to experience ‘progression’. So, what’s the solution? A slow, hardworking, disciplined approach with a program and plan that has us frequently testing and measuring. I know right? It’s not exactly what you wanted to hear but deep down, you know I’m right.
At the start of every year, I evaluate the first 6 months of training phases for our clients; I assess what worked last year, what didn’t and what can we do different to take us to the next level. I do this in order to convert that 6 month platform into a 12 month outlook and while I may tinker here and there based on circumstances, I always approach our training programs with that longer perspective in mind.
In order to cater for this long-term perspective, we need to develop capacities; this involves developing our bodies to be as strong, fit and with as much lean muscle mass as possible in order to be able to train as often as possible. Training as often as possible without injury equals consistency and with consistency comes progression. If you’ve been paying attention, consistency and progression are the antithesis of the quick-fix and the only way you are able to achieve genuine self-improvement.
In 2024 we are going to achieve capacities different to what we have done for the previous years with the traditional German Volume Clinic. Instead, we are going to implement a training technique called Triphasic Training. Triphasic Training was popularised through a Strength and Conditioning coach Carl Dietz from Minesota where he found this method incredibly beneficial with his Olympic shot putters at the time.
What is Triphasic Training?
Triphasic training is a method of applying specific stressors across the three phases of dynamic movement; eccentric, isometric and concentric, in order to drive specific adaptation. This training method delves deep into the depths of efficient force and power production and focuses on the body’s ability to absorb force before training the ability to expel it.
The term ‘Triphasic’ refers to the three phases of a dynamic muscle action:
Eccentric Phase – A muscle action that occurs during the lowering phase of a movement, during which the muscle lengthens. The eccentric force is responsible for controlling the deceleration of a load.
Isometric Phase – A muscle action that occurs between the lowering and upward phase of a movement. Muscle length remains constant as the contractile force is equal to the resistive force. This is the point at which the load changes direction.
Concentric Phase – A muscle action that occurs during the upward phase of a movement where the muscle contracts, accelerating a load and shortening in length.
How will the Clinic work?
This clinic will go for 6 weeks from Monday the 5th of Feb to Friday the 15th of March.
You will receive:
- 3 strength sessions a week following our triphasic methodology explained above.
- Access to all conditioning classes from the normal timetable
- You will also participate in our Friday F@ck up Session. This session will start at 530pm every Friday for the duration of the clinic and will be entail anything from hills, obstacle course stuff, strongman circuits, sand and surf workouts, stairs and whatever we decide week in week out. We are going away from what we have done in other clinics and going to implement some different, challenging and mental resilience-based sessions that hopefully push us to the limits.
- Weekly outlook with exercise plan and requirements on it each Sunday.
- Scans pre and post clinic. Dates to be advised.
For extra accountability and nutrition help, an optional $20 per week weigh in and nutritional reporting will be conducted by Coach Matt where instruction and guidance will be given each week for the duration of the clinic.
The clinic will cost the same as the current Strength and Conditioning membership at $63 per week no extra.
**Unless you decide to opt in for the nutrition/accountability ($20 per week)