As of Monday the 8th of January, our next Sport specific training instalment is our Pre-season clinic. This is an 8-week program that is a follow-up from our Off-season program completed in November – December. If you are an athlete that plays any sport from local, regional, state to professional in the coming months then this tailored program is for you. Not only will this get you in the best physical shape possible prior to your season starting it will also go a long way to keeping you on the paddock. Our philosophy of increasing all athletic capacities as high as possible before your season kicking off is the gold standard process to mitigate injury.
In this program, you can expect the training to become more and more specific to the rigors of your chosen sport whilst taking into consideration the increased loads that club training starts to add. You will receive in this phase the following:
Monday 5.45pm – Outdoor session – Speed, Acceleration, Agility, Aerobic and Anerobic capacity work
Wednesday 6.30pm – Strength session 1
Friday 5.30pm – Strength Session 2
Optional 3rd strength session done with your 24/7 access
This will only set you back $60 per week. If you’re keen to jump in, get in touch with us below: