The Class
Our REHAB class is designed to mitigate injury and improve movement competency.
This is a 30mins session where you present a niggle or ongoing issue to the coach to which they deduce exercises and mobility exercises that alleviate symptoms, help fix asymmetries and more importantly improve the area in question.
*The small print*
This class won’t completely prevent injury, nor will it completely absolve all problems. But what it will do is provide maintenance and injury mitigation-based exercises that stop our niggles and poor movement practices becoming major issues down the track. By having little interventions like this keeps our members on the gym floor and not in the Drs or Physio room further reinforcing Hammer’s ethos of consistency in all things training and health.

Conditioning Classes

Conditioning Classes
Our REHAB class is designed to mitigate injury and improve movement competency.

Conditioning Classes
24/7 Induction
This is a class purely to gain access to our 24/7 capability. To activate your…

Conditioning Classes
Metabolic Resistance
This class includes formats like strongman, force-velocity circuits, strength circuits to barbell complexes.