At the start of every year, we plan the first 6 months of training phases for our clients; we assess what worked last year, what didn’t and what can we do different to take us to the next level. We do this in order to convert that 6 month platform into a 12 month outlook and while we may tinker here and there based on circumstances, we always approach our training programs with the long game in mind.
In order to cater for this long-term perspective, we need to develop capacities; this involves developing our bodies to be as strong, fit and with as much lean muscle mass as possible in order to be able to train as often as possible. Training as often as possible without injury equals consistency and with consistency comes progression. If you’ve been paying attention, consistency and progression are the antithesis of the quick-fix and the only way you are able to achieve genuine self-improvement in the gym.
In order to develop these capacities at the start of the year, we employ the German Volume Training (GVT) method, a methodology made popular by Rolf Feser. This method of resistance training involves performing 10 sets of 10 repetitions, on a 60-90 second turnaround, at roughly 50-65% of a participant’s 1 repetition maximum (which equates to roughly a 5-6/10 intensity).
Feser implemented GVT with his Olympic lifting athletes to promote dramatic increases in muscle mass so his lifters could advance to the next weight division. Coincidentally he had outstanding results with some athletes adding upwards of 10 pounds (4-5kg) of muscle mass within 6 weeks.
Science time
The increase in muscle mass stems from the release of anabolic hormones in response to a huge muscle stimulus. By training large muscle groups (think legs, chest, back) with compound movements, our body releases anabolic (muscle building) hormones like Testosterone, Insulin-like growth factor 1 and Growth Hormone; performing those compound movements with short rest periods encourages a high lactic acid response which also correlates with a higher release of testosterone. With such high mechanical stress over a huge muscular cross-section combined with minimal recovery creates the perfect environment for muscle growth. No wonder Feser’s athletes achieved great results.
Now, before any of you come to me saying ‘I don’t want to get bulky, I just want to get leaner’, just calm your farm. We aren’t on the same playing field as Fesers’ athletes; elite athletes are usually referred to as ‘responders’ and any stimulus they endure will affect them rapidly and profoundly. That’s not to say we won’t achieve good (verging on great) muscle gains, but it’s going to take more than 4 weeks to look like the Austrian Oak himself (or Arnold Schwarzenegger, for those of you who don’t know).
Having more muscle mass increases our resting metabolic rate and nothing burns more calories than our Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). A person’s RMR is the amount of energy required for the body to perform the essentials of survival. By way of example, every day I need 3000 calories to live: to keep my heart pumping, my lungs filling and my brain ticking over. However, after performing a program like GVT for a month, my RMR will perhaps rise to 3200 or higher, as the increase in muscle mass requires an increase in caloric consumption. Increasing your RMR in combination with consistent exercise will transform your body into a more efficient calorie (i.e. fat) burning system.
Performing GVT is important as it provides a base or what we refer to as a ‘general preparatory phase’ for our next 6 month training plan. Having a 6 month plan allows us to achieve better results in the long term and lessens the potential for ‘falling off the cliff’ which is so often seen when participating in short-term ‘challenges’. What’s more, GVT provides the platform for achieving consistency and this leads to progression which is the key to self-improvement.
What you get
- Optional Inbody Scans = $55 for two scans (pre- & post- GVT program) or $35 for one scan. Payment must be made prior to scan.
- 3 x 1 hour strength sessions = GVT Program.
- Nutrition EBook and weekly plan, including periodised conditioning sessions around your 3 x 1 hour strength sessions.
- Unlimited class access with our Gold Membership Subscription.
- All for $99 per week (+ any additional cost for Inbody scan(s) – completely optional)
Starts Monday 10th Feb
Are you in?