
August Best on Ground

Earlier this year Izzy finished her first Marathon (42km – she’s crazy!) and despite her hectic marathon running schedule she still performed consistently well in the gym. However, since running really long distances hasn’t been the main focus Izzy’s recent results were nothing short of outstanding. Here’s just a taste of some of her results,…

July Best on Ground

Paul Leitch… Incredible. Just one word to describe how far Pauly has come since walking through the doors at Hammer Athletic almost 3 years ago (how time flies!). Pauly’s commitment to training is exceptional but his ability to throw great quality banter with everyone (especially Matt, his boutique gym & general life struggles) is pure…

June Best on Ground

3 things are guaranteed in life – death, taxes and John Bordin turning up to a 5:30am class. Without a doubt John has improved leaps and bounds since starting at Hammer when he was barely able to do 1 squat properly. Over the last month John has been in nearly every weekday and has been…

May Best on Ground

When Jeremy and Sian first joined Hammer (just a couple months ago), they had not performed any lifting and were pretty much starting from scratch. However with some guidance from the Hammer team they were put on the right path. Since then, these two have improved a tremendous amount in such a short time and…

April Best on Ground

Upon deciding who the Hammer Athletic Best on Ground was for this month there was one name in particular that caught the eyes of the coaches. The boys unanimously agreed that Jacob Glyde takes the chocolates for the month of April. Jakey’s commitment to his training has been first class which has carried over to…

March Best on Ground

When it comes to consistency, dedication and attitude, Colleen Ginty could be the poster child. In fact, she technically is our poster child because you can see her permanently suspended in a body row in the front window of our facility and in various places on our website.  Coll has trained with us for many…

12 Week Marathon Prep Clinic

Whether you’re just getting started, are an avid runner or have been strength training with Hammer Athletic and are looking for a new challenge, our Marathon Prep Clinic has been scientifically crafted (by our resident Sports Scientists) to benefit you at your level. This clinic will be aired in tandem with a strength/power specific weights…