If by now you haven’t heard, The Hamlow Medal is the new award which we will be using to acknowledge stand-out efforts in the gym.
(More info on The Hamlow Medal)
It is considered the highest honour for individual athletes at Hammer Athletic, and the phase 6 winner has now officially been chosen by the coaches. So without further ado, the winner of the Peaking Phase medal is…
Steve Muller!
You’ve probably seen (or heard) Steve around the gym. He absolutely embodies the Hammer Athletic spirit, and that of the Hamlow medals. He brings a positive energy and work ethic to every session, without compromise. He has been recognised for this, as well as his solid effort throughout the phase and pulling in some very decent results:
- A new PB on Benchpress (+7.5kg)
- A drop in 1.5% bodyfat
- Attendance to at least 6 sessions a week
- And he won the challenge he was involved in with some of the boys
Well done Steve, you sure are!