Not to get soppy and all that, but yesterday marked 1 year since we opened our doors up here in Townsville. We have come a long way since putting the finishing touches at 4am before opening day and our first class at 7am that Saturday 19th June 2021. We were well and truly a place with potential and nowhere near finished. That still rains true today with a plethora of finishings needed to be done, painting and fixing of things around the place, don’t worry I will get to it soon.
It is not the fanciest of gyms or does it have the latest gear or most space but yet a year on we are still here and still building nice and steady. We have never gone outside on what we are, and I think staying true to our ideals has served us well. Consistency is very much part of everything we plan for, turning up day in day out knowing your strength program has been properly laid out today, tomorrow, next week and the next month. Forward thinking when it comes to lifting is what keeps people coming back to the gym meaning more time lifting which equals more time improving. Our conditioning classes are somewhat different in set up but they are also designed to push you, irrespective of fitness levels. They fulfil their brief and it is impossible not to get fitter doing them.
All this, coupled with the fact we have great community with a great spread of people that makes it downright enjoyable to train here. It is usually very inappropriate (Matt the biggest instigator), but all in good jest hopefully creating a fun yet also professional place to train.
We have so many plans for this place in the future, we can’t wait to introduce you to them, also we will complete the finishings as well (the masking tape upstairs). Before I go to get us to where we are there has been some herculean efforts from people I must thank:
- My wife Kristine who also works full time and has the 3 kids pretty much on her own, she was there with me throughout the building and reno stages painting, putting things together, she does the books, the website and countless more things that no one sees but at the same time still manages to be a great mum and have 22k followers on her DIY Instagram page and never gets the credit she deserves, so thank you.
- Our families from Dad, my sister Leisa, to my father in law and mother in law, Barry and Terry and Jimmy and all our other brothers and sisters that have helped where they could, we literally wouldn’t be here without you. Financially, emotionally, time (so much time) and physically you guys have given everything to get us here and honestly there aren’t enough words to illustrate what that and you mean to us.
- To my kids I know that they won’t see this but hopefully one day they will, I realise the sacrifice which is forced on them with their Dad not being around a lot during these really important years of there life. They still embrace me every time I come in the door like nothing has passed. I thank you kids for making it a little bit easier and hope one day that this is all worth it.
- Too all the staff past and present you all contributed to what Hammer is today and have been nothing short of excellent in your willingness to help our clients and progress Hammer. To Lachie, Az and Jonno I am looking forward to our future together at Hammer especially when things settle in the next few months and we can continue to push each other both physically and with our knowledge and practical application. Thanks for being legends
Enough of that soppy shit I am very proud of our facility still so much work to do, but I thank everyone who has come through our doors or contributed to Hammer in some way over the last year, upwards and onwards.
Thank you